Moheard's Blog

Archive for October 2010

The past half-term week has been productive, with a reading of the first chapter to children and parents at Bexhill Museum on Tuesday. The visit coincided with the museum’s current exhibition of toys – I took along a toy theatre and a Pollock’s playbook. Then the Victorian story at the Cuming Museum on Thursday. The listeners all seemed gripped by Leo’s adventure ‘down among the mudlarks’; some of the museum’s Billy’s and Charley’s were brought from the store and the children (with white goves) were allowed to handle some pieces. They then had a go at making their own medallions.

Meanwhile on Wednesday, a book signing at the local Waterstone’s. Gratifying to see a lot of copies sold. So far I have three 5-star reviews on Amazon, and a few friends genuinely seem to have enjoyed it with comments such as this from Elizabeth:

I love the book!  I was taken on a fabulous, fun and scary trip through time in such an astonishing way.  I had the best history lesson ever.  Leo is so cool!!!!  I am such a fan.

So, if you have read the book, I’d love to receive a comment/review!


I’ve been placing flyers around the town, announcing my book signing on 27 October at Hastings Waterstones. I want a buzz in the shop on the day; there’s not enough room to gather kids round to read a whole story, but I’ll grab a few and tell them a little of Leo’s adventures. I might have Stookie Bill with me to attract their attention.

There is a 5-star review on Amazon!

Here’s a quote from a review in Primary Times Bookworm: Leo’s Heroes is no.2 on a page of three reviews. They hope there’s more … I’d better get onto it!

An excellent, well written mystery which, as Leo travels back to meet famous people, will involve kids in an exciting way of learning about history. Let’s hope there’s more.

Neighbours and friends far and wide attended the launch on Sunday 26th. There is a video on YouTube. Search for  “Leo’s Heroes – Book Launch!” It was a great party, and 49 signed copies were sold. Some more orders to fulfill too.

My celebrity guest was my grandson Orson to whom the book is dedicated. I introduced him as ‘comic artist, surrealist, animator and lightning sketch portraitist’. A few people had their pictures drawn – Orson signs them ‘rare’.

Here is a photo of him drawing Denise Hoyle, while I look on.

Orson goes to London Zine Fairs where he sells his own comics and lightning sketches. Regular comic artist visitors from Japan buy his work. Pardon me while I swell with pride!

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  • Mags: Love the photo Mo!
  • Joe Pearson: Saw your post when browsing. Coincidentally I have just written a book on Noel Carrington, the Puffin Picture Books, autolithography and Carrington's
  • Mags: Its interesting about lists.... they can be for all sorts of things other than organisation. A way of getting what is inside out! Often when I just w