Moheard's Blog

The Ghosts of Time

My second book is The Ghosts of Time, and is waiting to find a publisher.

A couple of years have passed, and Leo resumes his time travelling.

He meets among other real-life historical figures:

Samuel Johnson, who was famous for his Dictionary, and Queeney the daughter of his good friends Hester and Henry Thrale.

Joseph Merlin, an inventor of mechanical curiosities.

Lady Townshend, a writer, and collector of ghost sightings.

Percy Stow, a director of silent films for Clarendon Studios.

Teddy, a child star in moving pictures.

Rowland Emett, an eccentric artist.

Oh – and by the way, there are two alien women from a dead planet who want Leo’s help. But no-one lives happily ever after in this adventure.

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  • Mags: Love the photo Mo!
  • Joe Pearson: Saw your post when browsing. Coincidentally I have just written a book on Noel Carrington, the Puffin Picture Books, autolithography and Carrington's
  • Mags: Its interesting about lists.... they can be for all sorts of things other than organisation. A way of getting what is inside out! Often when I just w