Moheard's Blog

Archive for the ‘Reviews’ Category

I’ve been placing flyers around the town, announcing my book signing on 27 October at Hastings Waterstones. I want a buzz in the shop on the day; there’s not enough room to gather kids round to read a whole story, but I’ll grab a few and tell them a little of Leo’s adventures. I might have Stookie Bill with me to attract their attention.

There is a 5-star review on Amazon!

Here’s a quote from a review in Primary Times Bookworm: Leo’s Heroes is no.2 on a page of three reviews. They hope there’s more … I’d better get onto it!

An excellent, well written mystery which, as Leo travels back to meet famous people, will involve kids in an exciting way of learning about history. Let’s hope there’s more.

Wonderful comments from Bob Ambrose:

Have just watched the launch and am delighted that your book has been so well received.  I was quite spellbound by the whole time fantasy concept of the book, involving heroes of the past.  A fantastic exciting book, which is a great read for any age from 10 to 100. In particular, I found the Leo’s Flying Machine Adventure chapter absolutely captivating, since amazingly I had recently met up with Ginger’s son, an Old Windsorian School colleague from the 40’s and WW1.

I was particularly moved on how you expressed Leo’s and Ginger’s concern that they might have to go to fight in WW1. Ginger did go to war and was wounded three times, but amazingly pursued his skills whilst on active service, on building and flying model aeroplanes, learnt from his pals Sydney and Fred Camm.

Don’t forget to check out the story at

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  • Mags: Love the photo Mo!
  • Joe Pearson: Saw your post when browsing. Coincidentally I have just written a book on Noel Carrington, the Puffin Picture Books, autolithography and Carrington's
  • Mags: Its interesting about lists.... they can be for all sorts of things other than organisation. A way of getting what is inside out! Often when I just w