Moheard's Blog

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

The past half-term week has been productive, with a reading of the first chapter to children and parents at Bexhill Museum on Tuesday. The visit coincided with the museum’s current exhibition of toys – I took along a toy theatre and a Pollock’s playbook. Then the Victorian story at the Cuming Museum on Thursday. The listeners all seemed gripped by Leo’s adventure ‘down among the mudlarks’; some of the museum’s Billy’s and Charley’s were brought from the store and the children (with white goves) were allowed to handle some pieces. They then had a go at making their own medallions.

Meanwhile on Wednesday, a book signing at the local Waterstone’s. Gratifying to see a lot of copies sold. So far I have three 5-star reviews on Amazon, and a few friends genuinely seem to have enjoyed it with comments such as this from Elizabeth:

I love the book!  I was taken on a fabulous, fun and scary trip through time in such an astonishing way.  I had the best history lesson ever.  Leo is so cool!!!!  I am such a fan.

So, if you have read the book, I’d love to receive a comment/review!


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  • Mags: Love the photo Mo!
  • Joe Pearson: Saw your post when browsing. Coincidentally I have just written a book on Noel Carrington, the Puffin Picture Books, autolithography and Carrington's
  • Mags: Its interesting about lists.... they can be for all sorts of things other than organisation. A way of getting what is inside out! Often when I just w